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  • Auto intercooler is generally made of aluminum alloy material. According to different cooling media, common intercoolers can be divided into two types: air-cooled and water-cooled.


  • Auto Intercooler is a cooling device commonly used in various industries such as electric power, metallurgy, chemical industry, mining, automobile, light industry and heavy industry. The use of an intercooler can achieve heat exchange between two fluid media with a certain temperature difference, thereby achieving the effect of reducing the temperature of the hot air and ensuring that the air has a proper use effect.


  • Aluminum foil has a clean, hygienic and shiny appearance. It can be integrated with many other packaging materials into an integrated packaging material, and the surface printing effect of aluminum foil is better than other materials. In addition, aluminum foil has the following characteristics:


  • The function of the aluminum radiator cap is to seal the water cooling system and adjust the working pressure of the system. The material of the radiator cap can be aluminum copper iron.ect. If any needs, welcome to contact us. Looking forward to work with you.


  • Aluminum foil is a hot stamping material that is directly rolled into thin sheets with metal aluminum.


  • oil cooler is one of the indispensable designs in our aluminum series products. The oil cooler is made of high-quality aluminum and is light in weight. It can be used to cool engine oil, gearbox or rear differential, and is designed to obtain maximum strength and control. Strength and life. And the price is moderate, the quality is not inferior.


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